

Brand Consultant


New Company Name
Marketing Strategy


With the dissolution of the company's partnership, the original company name went to one partner and the core business went to the other. This necessitated a new name for the core business retainee.
Original Name

New Name

Initial consumer research showed that while the old name, Infomat, had substantial mindshare brand equity, most didn't understand the meaning of the name or saw any direct relationship between it and the business. To help bridge the transition from the old name to new name, it was decided to retain as much existing brand equity as possible and focus solely on a name that better reflected who and what the company represented.

General consumer response has been extremely positive and forthcoming. The WeConnectFashion organization are now happy to announce where they work, and not have to always explain what they do. The name speaks for itself.

Name Change Strategy
The re-envisioning, repositioning, and rebirth of a brand.

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Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategies and tactics for rebranding success.

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